About Us

The Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District collaborates with 97 cities and 15 counties to conserve and protect our region’s vital yet limited water resources.

Established by the Georgia legislature in 2001 and staffed by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), the Metro Water District relies on stewardship, science and data to develop and implement one of the most comprehensive water management programs in the U.S.

Over 100 different jurisdictions fulfill the Resources Management Plan requirements which are enforced by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.

We provide technical and educational resources to support our partner communities, residents and businesses in responsibly managing our shared water supplies and working toward a more resilient water future.

What We Do

How We Collaborate

Policy Goals that Guide Our Work

20+ Years of Water Stewardship

With the adoption of the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Act in 2001, the Metro Water District conducts its planning within the framework of the state’s regional water planning process.

The Metro Water District has over two decades of innovation and successful water stewardship. Watch our 20th Anniversary video for highlights.

Watch our 20th Anniversary video!

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