Conservation Pricing Contributes to Regional Decline in Per Capita Water Use
This requirement has been key in curbing discretionary water use and driving down overall water usage.
Stormwater Management Supports Responsible Growth
The Metro Water District created the model stormwater ordinance that over 100 jurisdictions in the metro region must adopt bringing consistency to regional stormwater management as land is developed and redeveloped.
Stream Buffers Reduce Erosion and Improve Water Quality
The District’s 75 foot stream buffer for impervious surface protects additional land to manage non-point source pollution and reduce stream bank erosion.
Floodplain Ordinances Provide Flood Protection
The District’s floodplain ordinance helps protect homes and businesses from existing and future flood events as our communities and climate conditions change.
Education Programs Make Residents Good Water Stewards
Our education programs help generate consistent messaging and content for local jurisdictions to incorporate into their local programs. My Drop Counts is an ongoing outreach program to educate residents and businesses about water in our region and how we all can conserve and protect this valuable resource.
150,000+ Toilets Replaced with High-Efficiency Models through Rebate Program
The toilet rebate program encourages homeowners to replace their higher flush volume toilets with modern high-efficiency toilets. To date over 150,000 toilets have been replaced through this program.
Coordination and Cooperation Supports Progress
The Metro Water District provides the organizational structure to engage diverse stakeholders with different backgrounds, political affiliations, interests, and expertise. In addition to the involvement of our members across the Governing Board, Executive Committee, Technical Coordinating Committee, Basin Advisory Councils, and Finance and Legislative Committees, the District participates in statewide and national collaboration and policy efforts to help push forward innovative water management strategies.
20+ Years of Water Stewardship
With the adoption of the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Act in 2001, the Metro Water District conducts its planning within the framework of the state’s regional water planning process.
The Metro Water District has over two decades of innovation and successful water stewardship. Watch our 20th Anniversary video for highlights.