Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Announces New Rebate Program — Smart Leak Detection Systems Help Property Owners Find and Repair Leaks

Metro Atlanta, GA (July 5, 2023) – To support continued water efficiency in the region, the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District (Metro Water District) launched a new rebate program to help homeowners invest in Smart Leak Detection Systems (SLDs) and better manage their home water use. As of July 1, 2023, customers of participating utilities may be eligible for a rebate of up to $100 for the purchase and installation of a new leak detection device.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average household’s leaks can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, or the amount of water needed to wash 270 loads of laundry. By installing SLD technologies, customers can be notified of leaks more quickly to:

  • Avoid costly repairs;
  • Minimize possible property damage;
  • Prevent high water bills; and
  • Conserve and use water more efficiently.

There are many types of smart leak detection devices available ranging from moisture sensors to more complex models that allow customers to remotely shut off their water. Some SLDs can even learn the household’s water patterns and usage, identifying and alerting customers to higher-than-normal water use which may be caused by a leak.

“We’re proud to partner with our communities on solutions to save water and money,” said Glenn Page, Metro Water District Chairman. “This new rebate program helps more customers have access to an important tool to identify and fix costly leaks if they don’t already have online water use notification programs available through their water provider.”   

Many utilities have installed smart water meters on their systems providing customers with online access to monitor their water use and receive alerts for suspected leaks. Customers should check with their water provider to see if they offer online water use notification programs or are participating in the new rebate program.

  • What do they cost? There are various types of smart water leak detection systems that typically range in price from $50 to $300 before the rebate.
  • How much is the rebate? Systems priced at $100 or more may be eligible for up to a $100 rebate, while systems priced below $100 may be eligible for a rebate of up to $50. Rebates are distributed in the form of a water bill credit.
  • Who is eligible? Customers of participating utilities/water providers in the region. Participating utilities and water providers reserve the right to limit eligible products. Funding for the rebates will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until allocated funding is exhausted. The rebate program is currently planned to continue through Dec. 2025.

For information on the new Metro Water District Leak Detection Rebate program, visit


Since its creation in 2001, the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District (Metro Water District) has implemented one of the most comprehensive regional water management plans in the country. It is staffed by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and includes 15 counties and 96 cities. It is the only major metropolitan area in the country with more than 100 jurisdictions implementing a long-term comprehensive water management program that is required and enforced. Learn more at: