I'm In.

Yes! I pledge to conserve water.

Take the pledge and tell us how your business will do its part to use less water and protect our most valuable resource! If you aren’t the authorized person to commit your organization to these actions, please share this with the right person at your workplace. And, be sure to take the At Home/Individual Pledge! Questions? Email us at: comments@northgeorgiawater.com

All personal contact information will be used solely by the Metro Water District for the purposes of gathering information on water use, planning for water conservation strategies, and communicating important water-related information such as drought-related watering restrictions. All external communications regarding the program will use aggregated data without disclosing any person's individual identity, water usage, or contact information. We will send participating businesses an annual survey to help us understand the effectiveness of the pledge program. We may request permission to feature your organization's successes in our communications to encourage other businesses to take the pledge.

Organization building(s):

We own our
We are
a tenant

You are eligible to receive a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze Water Saver designation based on total points earned in the pledge below.

Distinctions are made for building owners and non-building owners (tenants).

Building Address(es)
Add a Building


To qualify for Bronze Water Saver status as a building owner, your organization must meet the following criteria:

Minimum 15 points


To qualify for Silver Water Saver status as a building owner, your organization must meet the following criteria:

Minimum 30 points


To qualify for Gold Water Saver status as a building owner, your organization must meet one of the following criteria:

Minimum 45 points


To qualify for Platinum Water Saver status as a building owner, your organization must meet one of the following criteria:

Minimum 55 points AND pledge to be Water Neutral

We pledge to implement the following items by


A point person and/or position has been identified within your organization to manage implementing the tasks associated with these pledge items. This person should have an understanding of whether the organization is billed based on water consumption and be aware of the water rate structure.

5 Points

Encourage all employees/students to take the My Drop Counts Individual (At Home) Pledge with a goal of employee pledges and student pledges.

5 Points

Have a conversation with your tenants about the importance of a water efficient workplace and share your goals for being more sustainable.

5 Points

Provide continuing education opportunities to employees/students on an annual basis. Continuing education could include lunch and learns, webinars, or information tables at employee/student fairs. Contact comments@northgeorgiawater.org to request specific information.

5 Points

Perform an assessment of the following: toilets, urinals, bathroom and kitchen faucets, shower heads, pre-rinse spray valves, and identify their flow rates.
Assessment guide

5 Points

Perform an audit of all water-using appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and ice makers and identify their approximate age and whether the appliance is labeled Energy Star. Serial numbers may be checked to confirm year of manufacture.

5 Points

Perform an annual inspection of all water fixtures looking for faucet leaks and running toilets.

5 Points

Perform an annual inspection of your irrigation system in May to check for cracked and broken lines, leaks, and missing sprinkler heads.

5 Points

Perform a monthly inspection of the irrigation system from May to October to look for leaks and proper alignment of spray heads to avoid water waste. Review irrigation controller settings and function of appurtenances such as rain or moisture sensor shut offs. The irrigation system should be set so that landscaping receives no more than one inch of water per week from the combination of irrigation and rainfall.

5 Points

Winterize your irrigation system in October by turning off the water supply to the main valve, draining the system to protect from freezing, and setting the irrigation controller to Off.

5 Points

Implement an employee (or student) water savings challenge with incentives.

5 Points

Develop an action plan, schedule and budget to replace all inefficient fixtures with efficient fixtures based on the following replacement guide.
Replacement guide

10 Points

Replace non-Energy Star appliances more than seven years old with Energy Star appliances.

10 Points

Replace irrigation controller with a WaterSense labeled product.

10 Points

Install a master shut-off valve, pressure regulator and a flow sensor that detects and reports high-flow conditions due to broken pipes and/or popped sprinkler heads.

10 Points

Hire a consultant to assess the water use efficiency of existing cooling towers and determine if improvements can be made to reduce daily blowdown.

10 Points

Replace manicured landscape with a more water-efficient, native or WaterWise landscape.

10 Points

Replace impervious surface with greenspace or green infrastructure.

10 Points

Capture rainwater to replace an existing use of potable water on site.

10 Points

Conduct meaningful research and development that might result in a future reduction of water usage from business operations and share with the Metro Water District.

10 Points

Support your community's investment in water infrastructure to minimize water loss in the systems that collect and deliver water to homes and businesses. Adequate funding is critical to keep these vital systems working reliably today and well into the future.

5 Points
0 Points
FOR PLATINUM STATUS: If you have acheived a minimum of 55 points above and are interested in platinum status, please indicate that you also pledge to be Water Neutral: