2024 High School Video Contest Winners
Participants in the 2024 contest did an amazing job producing entertaining and creative 30-60 second video PSA focused on the theme; “Making Water Smart,” which asked students to consider how innivation and technology help improve water conservation. Thirty-three students worked individually or in teams to submit thirteen entries. Congratulations to our winners!
Check out the winning videos:
First Place Winner – English
Lucca DeSouza
Mill Creek High School, Gwinnett County
Second Place Winner – English
Jessica He
Walton High School, Cobb County
First Place Winner – Spanish
Reece Virgilio & Nick Schein
Mill Creek High School, Gwinnett County
Second Place Winner – Spanish
Brady Zhou & Sourish Kavale
Walton High School, Cobb County
First Place Winner – TikTok
Stella Yao & Jaehyeon Lee
Walton High School, Cobb County
Second Place Winner – TikTok
William Pei
Walton High School, Cobb County
2024 Contest - Closed!
2024 marks the 12th Annual High School Video Contest competition in which high school students demonstrate their creativity while sharing important messages about water quality and conservation. The contest allows ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students attending schools in Bartow, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry, Paulding and Rockdale counties to participate.
The topic for the 2024 High School Video Contest can be found below in the Info Flyer in both English and in Spanish.
Ninth, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students in Bartow, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Forsyth, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry, Paulding and Rockdale counties are invited to participate in the video contest. Entries can be a team or individual.
Submission Guidelines
- Complete application
- Team members must be from the same school.
- The video must be between 30-60 seconds in length.
- No professional assistance or use of copyright
material is allowed, including background music. - Each student participating in the contest or
appearing in the video must complete an entry/
release form. - One video per team or individual.
Questions regarding the contest should be sent to education@northgeorgiawater.org.
Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:
- Creation of a water quality protection campaign PSA-style video. Use the messaging fact sheet for background information.
- Composition (length, technical construction, audio quality).
- Entertainment value.
- Accuracy of information.
- Creativity.
Prizes and Awards Reception
1st Place — $1,000 | 2nd Place — $750
50% of the prize money will go to the individual or team who submits the video and 50% to the high school they attend. Entries that do not win 1st or 2nd place are eligible for our Social Media Superlatives and can be featured on our social media accounts. Winners will be notified directly and will be announced on northgeorgiawater.org/video by the end of May.
This year, the Metro Water District is introducing a special bonus category for a TikTok-style video. The individuals or teams that submit to this category can also submit to the main category above, but the main video ideas must be unique. Winners will not split the prize money with their schools.
TikTok Prizes
1st Place — $100 | 2nd Place — $50
Contest is now closed!
Questions regarding the contest should be sent to education@northgeorgiawater.org.
A Spanish-Language PSA
We are proud to offer the opportunity for students to create a Spanish-language PSA for our contest. Spanish is the second-most commonly spoken language in the 15-county region, and we are hopeful that our PSA messaging through this contest will reach more residents than ever before!
Presentar un PSA en Español
Estamos orgullosos de ofrecer la oportunidad para que los estudiantes creen un PSA en español para nuestro concurso. El español es el segundo idioma más hablado en la región de los 15 condados, y esperamos que nuestros mensajes de PSA a través de este concurso lleguen a mas residentes que nunca!